Category A1 driving license

The minimum age of student leave is 17.5 years and the normal driving license of category A1 is 18 years. To obtain a normal driving license, the applicant must pass a practical test.

Category A2 driving license

Category A2 includes motorcycles with a maximum power of 35 kilowatts (kW). The minimum age for obtaining a category A2 driving license is set at 20 years, meaning that the applicant holds a regular category A1 driving license for at least two years.

Category A / Unlimited kilowatts (kW)

The minimum age for direct access to this category is set at 24 years. The applicant, in order to obtain a category A driving license, must hold a regular category A1 driving license and have completed seven (7) hours of relevant training.


Riding a motorcycle of category A2 and A on the road network with an apprentice driving license is prohibited. The apprentice driving license of category A2 and A is issued for educational purposes in private and specially adapted areas.